
Procrastination- Essentials to Break Through

Posted in   Team   on  February 21, 2023 by  David Loke0
  • What are you procrastinating on? Is it appropriate to hold off or irrational postponement? Will this make a positive impact on your life? Choose the area where you will stop procrastinating and make a renewed commitment. 
  • Discover the source to find the solution. Consider when your car doesn’t start. You look for the source of the problem. When you find the source it is easy to take action to make the repair. Look behind procrastination to find what is restraining you. It may be an unpleasant task, lack of interest, someone else’s goal, a large overwhelming project, fear, poor time management, or indecision. Be brutally honest and get to the source.
  • Based on the source; decide if this is a goal you want to keep. If so, choose a strategy that feels good to you. It may mean developing new habits. Discover the source and set up the strategy in a way that you know you will take action.

Hold an intense vision- Think of that clear, exciting picture that shows up in regret. Allow that to pull you towards it. You have great capabilities when you take action, even if it’s learning in action. Focus on how great you will feel when you go for it! After all, it is through the journey that the great and memorable moments take place. 

About the Author David Loke

David Loke is the co-founder and CEO of ReadySpace, a Cloud Service Provider in the APAC region. In 2003, he started ReadySpace with the vision to provide customers with reliable, secure, affordable and simple online apps. It then evolved into what we call Cloud today. Being through a decade of running ReadySpace, it has now grown into a regional business serving business owners and its managers across various industries to their success.
Right now, he is taking his wealth of experience to help over 700 business owners as mentor and coach with an ultimate goal to multiply wealth creation.

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